Germany, Rietheim-Weilheim, March 2023 – Water shortage and increased energy prices have led to even greater environmental and resource awareness among consumers: Many consumers are increasingly looking for energy-saving household appliances with efficiency class A, as demonstrated, for example, by the sustainability index of the market research institute GfK. Marquardt supports the development towards more sustainability with numerous innovations: For example, the mechatronics specialist has now developed a low-pressure sensor for reduced fresh water consumption in washing machines.

    Sensor provides exact measured values

    The low-pressure sensor enables precise measurement of the level in the washing drum and thus prevents under- or overdosing of water. Based on inductive technologies, the sensor provides reliable readings even with small amounts of liquid. The measurements are checked for plausibility by an integrated sensor self-check function before being processed further by the washing machine. In addition to improved energy efficiency, the sensor thus also ensures safety and prevents, for example, the water tank from overflowing or the machine from heating up with too little water.

    Compact and versatile

    The third generation of the Marquardt low-pressure sensor is suitable for a wide range of applications: Thanks to its compact size, it can be used wherever accurate pressure measurement is required, such as in dishwashers or coffee machines. Marquardt adapts its products to the individual needs of its customers. Thanks to a modular technology platform, customer-specific requirements can also be effectively taken into account while ensuring a rapid time-to-market.

    >> More information on the Marquardt low-pressure sensor




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